I have a challenge for you all:
Review your job duties at work, figure out how many full-time jobs you really do (I do the work of three people at my office), and calculate what your annual salary should be according to salary.com.
Here's mine:
Executive Assistant (My actual job title) - $45,010
Benefits Administrator (What I spend most of my time on - oh yeah, and I'm the only person at my company who does this) - $48,717
Website Content Manager (A "fun" collateral duty that fell in my lap) - $77,950
So technically I should be making $171,677 a year!!!
And my salary isn't even close.
Review your job duties at work, figure out how many full-time jobs you really do (I do the work of three people at my office), and calculate what your annual salary should be according to salary.com.
Here's mine:
Executive Assistant (My actual job title) - $45,010
Benefits Administrator (What I spend most of my time on - oh yeah, and I'm the only person at my company who does this) - $48,717
Website Content Manager (A "fun" collateral duty that fell in my lap) - $77,950
So technically I should be making $171,677 a year!!!
And my salary isn't even close.
Ha! don't get me started. If you make any even the least of those salaries, you make a lot more than me. It is so sad. This is the time of year when we receive our increases and I don't even want to know what mine is because I know it will just depress me even more.
Amen...don't get me started.
yeah. i don't even make close to the least of those. suck.
Holy shit! An Exec Asst should be making $45k??? Is that just for where you are?
Oh, and yeah. I hear ya. Don't forget to add in the cost of full-time child care, professional escort, yada-yada-yada.
Heh, chief cook and bottle washer here - dog walker, chef, tutor, trainer, actual-factual employee, and sex kitten, all in one. Well, OK - I lie about the sex kitten thing (I have my limits), but the rest are true!
I've gotten to the point in life where I just do.my.job and let other people take care of the other stuff. How lazy is THAT?
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