Thursday, December 22, 2005

We Interupt Our Regularly Scheduled Blog....

All other posts and holiday events have been preempted by:

Dum da da dum da da dum dum

Dum da da dum da da dum dum


Yes, folks. That’s right. The pukes have hit again. What is up with this? I haven’t been sick with a flu for 5 years and then twice in 2 months? So unfair!

And you know what’s better then having the pukes? Having the pukes at work. That’s right. I’m at work.

Why, you ask?

Well, that’s because of the policy that you should stay home if you’re sick but if you really follow that policy and stay home you get in trouble. Oh…the irony!

So I am going to sit here and stare mindlessly at my computer and only do work if asked. The rest of the time I am going to look busy when people are around and hold my head in my hands when I’m alone.


Since I don’t want to seem like too much of a whiney baby, and in the spirit of Christmas, I am going to list all the wonderful things that are happening to me today:


Well, there you go! Hope you have a great day.


Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Oh dear. Just choke it back for a few more hours and you're home free!

Hope you feel better...

11:50 AM  
Blogger Yoda said...

Well, here's another good thing for you:

We're here and we missed you. Selfish us (I hope it's okay to speak for all of us who read you regularly, and if not, then I am using the Editorial "We"), we're happy to hear from you even if it's just to hear about vomit.


P.S. My verification word was a very, very appropriate "blecch".

3:59 PM  

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