Sunday, August 28, 2005

Toll Booth Serial Killer?

I was on my way to work on Friday and a somewhat strange thing occured. I was about to go through the toll plaza on the turnpike when they guy working in the lane to the left of the one I was going through waved at me. I though that maybe he thought I was someone he knew.

I waved back. Just to be nice, right?

Then as I pulled up to pay I noticed him looking through the booth I was by and he was staring at me. And it wasn't a, "Hi, oops I thought you were my aunt or somebody" stare. It was a, "I want to see you naked stare."

Now, I consider myself good looking, but I do drive a minivan with two very noticable car seats in the second row. And I am 34. And this guy looked about 20.

It was really, really creepy. Not the kind of, "Ewww, some gross guy likes me" creepy, but more of a, "Uh oh, I might have a serial killer stalking me soon" kind of creepy.

I wonder if he'll be in my lane tomorrow. I'll let you know.


Blogger PreppyGirl said...

34?... oh that's right.. for two more months. Enjoy it while you can. Pretty soon you'll be half way to 70!

Keep me posted on the creepy toll booth guy. If you never write again, we'll assume what happened to you.


3:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The Checkout Operators and Tollbooth Collectors' Union had perving rights inserted into their employment contract.

He's not a serial killer; he's just a man enjoying his work benefits.


7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep bear repellant under your seat!

11:46 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

So you are 34 with 2 kids... doesn't mean a man wouldn't want to see you naked.

2:26 PM  
Blogger *~*Michelle*~* said... did you take anybody out trying to get over to his lane today? :)

3:15 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Keep us posted on the serial toll taker!

9:46 PM  
Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Was he cute at least??

5:26 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Jeremy: Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Michelle: I would if I had seen him again....but, alas....he is elusive.

Chickybabe: He was cute for a serial killer.

9:40 AM  

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