Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I was tagged by Wordnerd to spill the beans about five of my weird habits. I don’t know if the word “habit” would accurately explain these five things. They are more like weird inherent traits. I call them that because I have absolutely no control over them.

1. I am obsessed with things being neat.

Okay, I know this doesn’t seem that weird but I think I border on OCD with this one. When I was in college and lived alone I couldn’t sit down to study for a test until my entire apartment was clean.

I could be sitting on the couch, studying for an anatomy exam and my eye would rest on a knick knack on a shelf. The knick knack would be about 2 inches too far to the left. I’d go back to studying. I’d look back up. I’d go back to studying. I couldn’t concentrate. All I could think about was that damn knick knack. Finally I’d get up and move it.

Of course by the time I’d get back to studying I’d notice something else and the process would start all over again. I finally decided that the best way to avoid this was just to go ahead and clean the entire apartment before studying. I know it sounds drastic, but it was the only way.

2. I get freaked out when someone touches my belly button.

I REALLY hate it. I’m not sure why. During…..you know…..my husband has been forewarned that there is a 2 inch comfort zone all the way around the belly button. If he starts to invade that space he is given a stern warning and if he actually touches it. Forget it. Mood broken.

3. I count stairs.

I suppose this is similar to Wordnerd counting the steps to her car, although she does this to avoid cracks. I on the other hand have a very real need to know how many steps there are when I am going up a staircase. Why? Don’t know.

In my last house there were 13 steps. In my new house there are 9, a landing, and then 5. The house I lived in as a kid had 17. The main stairs at my work have 12, a landing, and 12. The back stairs at my work have 13, a landing, and 13. I don’t think I should know this.

4. I am afraid of the beach at night.

This isn’t the normal, it’s dark and someone might come and kill me afraid. This is the it’s dark and if I turn my back on the ocean some undiscovered sea monster will emerge from the churning waters and eat me and no one will know what happened to me kind of afraid.

5. I like being sick.

Now you are proabaly thinking, "She really is a nutcase." But please realize this isn’t the, I have Munchausen’s Syndrome and want to hurt my kids or I’m some kind of hypochondriac and want some deadly disease kind of thing. This is the, I’m really tired and stressed and worn out and isn’t a cold great so that my husband will bring me chicken soup and watch the kids and I can stay in bed all day and watch TV and read books kind of thing.

So those are my five weird things. If you don’t know me and you read this you are probably assuming that I am an OCD and phobia-ridden hypochondriac. It’s scary how close to the truth that really is!

Okay, now to spread the joy. I am tagging:







Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and I thought I was weird...lmao. All jokes aside, your post was great. I'm loving the whole bellybutton thing. And I know exactly what you mean about being sick -- being waited on hand and foot? Nothing better.

11:02 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Thanks for the tag. I accept as I've been too busy to formulate any kind of interesting post lately.

I don't remember you being so neat... then again I don't remember you being messy either. When we shared a bedroom (the most crowded room ever) it was pretty organized.

And your belly button? I have a nice picture of it being manipulated to appear as if it were a bagel (I'll bet those are your hands and not mine.)

As for your hubby, can he come train mine for a while?

11:42 AM  
Blogger Yoda said...

Thanks, Sherri. I think I did this one already...or a variation of it. Does that mean I need to dig deeper and come up with five MORE weird things about me? Do I have to limit it to five?

Also, the whole belly button thing would be sort of like a challenge for me.


12:41 PM  
Blogger Shari said...

Only five? Crap! I have some whittling to do!

3:26 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

LOVE the bellybutton thing. I count stairs, as well, which I think is not so weird considering how often moms trudge up and down the stairs in the middle of the night carrying babies... that unconscious counting thing has saved me more than once when I might otherwise assume we were done with the stairs... only to realize too late there is one more. (Or less)

AND, the first post I ever read of yours was about FALLING down the stairs in high heels and your husband didn't hear you... so counting is good!

3:31 PM  
Blogger Kingfisher said...

I have always counted stairs. I thought I was the only one.

I have found that most staircases are between 10 and 13 steps. Recently, in an attempt to lose some weight, I've been taking the stairs to work, instead of the elevator. (I work on the fourth floor.) Like most stairs in a commercial building, each storey comprises two sets of stairs, with a "u-turn" in between. But one set is 11 steps, and one is 12 steps.


BTW, I like being (mildly) sick, too. Why? Because I get to stay in bed, watch cartoons or old movies on TV, and be surrounded by cats and dogs who sympathize, and would ordinarily ignore me unless I was feeding them.

Kinda like kids.

10:40 PM  

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