Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I saw a ghost.

I don’t really expect anyone to believe me. I didn’t believe my eyes at first. But I did.

I am ever the skeptic. I tend to look for a scientific reason when things happen. While I do believe in God unquestionably, I tend to look at creation in a more “intelligent design” way. I think that God had a hand in the natural evolution of the world that we live in today.

I suppose it is this belief in God and my faith in the unseen that will let me accept, in my critical mind, that I saw a ghost. It’s funny, when you tell someone this, they tend to think you are a little crazy.

If you believe in heaven and hell, and you believe in angels and demons, why can’t ghosts walk the Earth? And if you believe ghosts are real, why can’t you believe that you can see one for yourself?

I guess because we like to believe that these things are out there, but they aren’t REALLY real. They are more like ideas. Not facts.

Oh, that house has a ghost in it? Cool.

Oh, there is a ghost standing in front of me? WTF!

I was driving home from work on Friday. I was around 5:30 and already completely dark this time of year. It was about 35 degrees outside. I was driving up the Northeast extension of the turnpike. A police car raced past me, lights flashing and siren blaring. The traffic slowed down to between 5 and 10 miles an hour.

It had been a long week. All I wanted to do was get home. I was tired and knew that I had to get the house picked up before our friends came over for dinner. I glanced at the side of the road for some reason, and out of the corner of my eye I saw something.

I looked more closely and there was a man walking toward the highway. He had sandy blonde hair and was wearing a yellow short-sleeved t-shirt and dark blue jeans, definitely not weather appropriate. Before I could think about how odd it was that he was there he vanished. He was just GONE.

My first thought was that I didn’t really see it. I must have thought I saw it. But I couldn’t think of any way to reason that it was something else.

I saw a man and then he just…..vanished.

I immediately felt a chill and goosebumps covered my body. I was sufficiently creeped out to say the least. I have heard that you can physically feel a ghost. I didn’t want to take any chances so I shouted, “Get out of my car!” and then I prayed.

If someone could have seen me I probably looked like a deranged schizophrenic, but I didn’t care. I guess because of my religious beliefs I don’t believe that ghosts are the Casper, fun-loving type. I’m more in the school of thought of ghosts being the Exorcist/Amityville Horror type. I’m pretty sure that a house would only have to say, “Get out!” to me one time and I’d say, “Oh, you want me to leave? Well, let me just get my purse and the place is all yours.” There wouldn’t be any hanging around on my part.

When I drove home yesterday I got a little agitated as I came to the spot where I saw the ghost. I really didn’t want to see it again. And I didn’t.

So I guess this is where the story ends. I’ll keep you posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How totally cool! I've always been fascinated by ghosts, and since my mother's death (and her appearance, no lie, to my daughter soon after), I can't get enough of this stuff. Keep me posted for sure!

4:21 PM  
Blogger Yoda said...


I absolutely believe you.

Quite a few years ago, I was involved in an exorcism. There's just no way to describe it without having it sound hokey.

All I know is that while it was going on, music seemed to weaken the spirit inhabiting the girl's body, so a friend and I played our guitars and sang. For a time, perhaps an hour or so, neither of our guitars would stay in tune for more than a few seconds. I still have the guitar I had with me that night, and it holds its tuning very well...there was definitely something messing with my guitar that night.

There are definitely things we cannot explain, and that's okay with me.


5:33 PM  
Blogger princess slea said...

that stuff freaks me out too.
i did think you were going to say something about the traffic being so slow because of an accident ahead. And when you got up to the scene you saw a body laying on the ground of a man with sandy blonde hair, blue jeans, and a yellow shirt.

6:45 PM  

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