Friday, July 22, 2005

Daycare Boob Man

I went to pick up Charlie at daycare a few days ago. When I walked up to the counter to sign him out, one of his teachers was sitting there.

“I need to tell you something,” she said.

“Sure, what is it?” I replied.

“Well, I feel kind of funny saying this, but I thought you should know.”

Uh oh.

“Charlie was in his classroom and he was staring at me. He then walked up to me with both his arms outstretched and grabbed my breasts.”

“Umm… I’m really sorry,” I replied sheepishly. “You know he does that to me at home sometimes, too. I think he’s a boob man.” I laugh nervously.

“Well, all the other teachers laughed, but I just thought it was something you should know.”

“Okay,” I replied. “I’m sorry he did that.”

Oh Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. You go my son!


Blogger Erica said...

So is she NEW to caring for little guys, or what? They do that! My daughter is big on grabbing boobs. My son still does sometimes (just mine, I assume) and he's seven! I delicately disengage him without making a big deal out of it, and we move on. Go, Charlie! Go for that golden ticket!

Since I wasn't there, I can't assume she was notifying you as in "We have a toddling GROPER here and you should nip it in the bud"... but if she was, she should get over it! And if she wasn't, my apologies. :-)

9:07 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I think she thought it was funny....not was hard to tell.

Whenever I hold Charlie on my hip he puts his right arm around my shoulders and puts his left hand completely over my left boob. I always push his hand away and ask him not to do that and he says, "but mom...I have to hold on!" Guess he thinks it's a handle!

9:09 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

I am shocked that the daycare lady was concerned. Don't all little kids do this? I remember my daughter grabbing my boobs for the first time. I was a little taken back when she said, "Mommy, your boobies are beautiful!" How can you argue with that?

9:10 AM  
Blogger princess slea said...

Preppy, your boobies are beautiful. My daughter said to me "mommy, someday I'm going to have giant boobies like you." For her sake, I hope not.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Boys learn from an early age these days don't they?

10:28 PM  
Blogger The Blogger Formally Known As Van! said...

Whats the deal lady! No love for VAN! anymore ;-)

6:54 PM  

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