Wednesday, June 29, 2005

You Can't Get Quality At Target, People.

I am sick of crappy clothes. I usually buy name brand items that cost a little more because they last longer, but since I have been losing weight I have been buying cheaper clothes as I go through the sizes, because I can’t justify spending a lot of money on something that I may only get to wear for a month. But what’s up with crap that falls apart after one wash cycle?

Case in point: I purchased a cute shirt from Target. Not the best quality clothing store in the world, but you’d think you could get something that would last….oh I don’t know……..a week! I wore the damn thing once, washed it, and the hem completely unraveled in the machine.

Of course I didn’t notice that the hem completely unraveled in the machine until I was at work and a thread that was poking out of the hem got caught on my chair and as I got up it proceeded to leave a trail connecting me to the chair as I walked to the bathroom. I think I must have walked 50 feet before I looked down and saw it. Luckily, it was very early and there were only about 3 other people at the office and no one noticed.

Why am I so pissed? I mean, I am REALLY pissed. I only spent $16.50 on the damn shirt. I have to sit at work and play on the internet for at least 45 minutes to earn $16.50. That’s hard work!

So, I am sitting here with the back of my shirt hanging down because it looks stupid tucked in (yes, even more stupid than with the hem hanging down). I am aggravated because I actually looked okay when I left the house this morning. Not like an event like looking good at home and then stupid at work is new to me.

Oh well, guess I’ll just have to go shopping at lunch.


Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Hey now... Target is my friend! I have many clothes from Target that have lasted for YEARS. They also kept me WELL dressed with their maternity clothes. Don't let one defective shirt mar the Target rep forever! All I can say is, thank god I live 45 minutes from the nearest Target, or I'd be broke. Death to Walmart... Vive Le Tar-zhay!

2:33 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I understand your allegiance to Target. Really I do. But all I have to say is....

"Goodbye Cherokee, Isaac Mizrahi and Mossimo" - cause Weezie, I'm movin' on up! I'm shopping at the mall from now on!

7:47 AM  
Blogger ramblin' girl said...

and unfortunately target isn't the only place. I had a more pricey shirt's hem unravel at the button placket after one wearing. but they replaced the shirt for me. you may ask Target, they may do the same... that's if you'd want another of the same.

9:57 AM  

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