Monday, June 27, 2005

How To Not Pick Up A Girl

My friend RaceGirl lives in Charlotte, NC. She moved there to get a job in Nascar, which she has done. So I’m pretty proud of her. Not to mention that I am looking forward to the perks and free races, but anyway…..

RaceGirl was walking her dog the other day. She lives in a decent neighborhood. You don’t really have to worry about walking by yourself. As she passed a gas station a Hispanic-looking man smiled at her. RaceGirl smiled back (she is usually nice to everyone – unlike me).

I guess the guy took this as an invitation:

(Imagine a man speaking in a very thick Spanish accent – maybe Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride or Puss n’ Boots from Shrek 2.)

Guy at gas station: Hi. Good Evening.

RaceGirl: Hi. Have a nice day (continuing to walk by).

Guy at gas station: Wait! I want to caress your dog!

RaceGirl: What? (continuing to walk)

Guy at gas station: Come back. I want to caress your dog!

RaceGirl: Um. He’s doesn’t like people.

Guy at gas station: Please…come back and let me caress your dog!

Okay…’s a bit of advice to all you English as a second language speaking males out there. If you want to pick up a girl avoid the word “caress”. It puts up an immediate red flag and any interest we may have been entertaining is immediately killed.

So RaceGirl and I decided the story would have been a lot funnier if she had been walking a cat. But who really walks a cat? Oh well.


Blogger Yoda said...

Too funny! Reminds me of the Monty Python sketch about the dirty Hungarian Phrasebook:

"My hovercraft is full of eels."

"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I am no longer infected."

English is such a wonderful language.


7:52 PM  
Blogger Joey said...

I've walked my cat!

10:37 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

That's awesome! More people should walk cats.....

BTW, went to your blog....very...interesting! Maybe I need a new hobby :)

1:35 PM  

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