Thursday, May 12, 2005

Network Crisis

I am sitting at my desk, enjoying a cup of coffee after a hectic morning when my phone rings. It's our IT Rep at the corporate office. He's sounds panicked and is obviously very agitated.

"The network is DOWN!" he screams, dramatically. "I have called F, B, M, N and T. I got voice mail on all of them. Where are they??? The network is DOOOWWWNNN!"

"Give me a moment and I will find someone that can help you."

(I put him on hold and head down the hall. I see M and B coming through the door.)

"Hey guys, corporate is on the phone. They've been trying to reach you. The network is down."

"We were fixing it. Should be good now." M says.

"Great. Thanks."

(I go back to the phone.) "You couldn't reach them because they were already working on the problem. The network should be up now."

"Oh, Okay. Let me check." (I hear him typing on his keyboard.)

" Yep, I can get to Ebay now. Thanks."

I hang up the phone shaking my head, and return to my now cold cup of coffee.

It's good to know we all have priorities!


Blogger Mahd said...

Are you saying that people shouldn't be using ebay at work? This nation's economy is driven by people using ebay at work. Work-related-ebay purchases constitute 56% of the GNP, which is entirely accurate if you discount the fact that I just made that up.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Mahd: Thanks for your comment and the made up stats.

Personally, I am all for slacking at do you think I get this blog done?

However, I don't feel it is necessary to absolutely freak out when you can't get on the internet.

Just a personal issue I guess :)

12:00 PM  
Blogger LADYGOLD said...

Totally hysterical!!! I can totally relate!! Gotta have Ebay at work!

3:57 AM  

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