Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Saddam Hussein and Hurricanes

Today is truly an historic day. Saddam Hussein, one of the most evil men in recorded history, is on trial. I am sure many of us thought we would never see this day. Probably those in Iraq are stunned and still have doubts and disbelief about the credibility of the trial and if justice will actually be served.

But it is still monumental. Finally, we are beginning to see some progress in a fight has been going on for a very long time, but for most of us, began on 9-11. I know what some of you are going to say...."What does Saddam Hussein have to do with 9-11?". Maybe nothing, but in a way everything.

As a global community we are obligated to fight for those who can't. We have to fight oppression and tyranny ( I sound like W?) in all parts of the world. I think that finally we can see a change. I think finally there is an end in sight. It's not an end to all that is wrong in the world, but finally a way to close one chapter, a point in history to show that we, together, have made a difference.

I think, no, I KNOW that we as global citizens have to strive daily to make a difference. Even if all you can do is give $5 to the Red Cross or maybe even smile at your neighbor or open the door for someone struggling with a package. Courtesy and good will ARE contagious.

It doesn't seem a coincidence to me that there have been so many tragic natural disasters in recent months. I'm not a "the end of the world is coming" kind of girl, but I do believe in signs. I think the events of this world, man-made and natural, are due to our actions. It may be because we are inflexible in our beliefs or because we don't take care of our environmnet. Regardless, we have to begin to take responsiblity for ourselves and our actions.

I still have hope for humanity. I know that this world is full of good and kind people. I believe that sometimes it's just easier to ignore what is necessary and right for what is easy.

As I watch the trial of Saddam Hussein I am saddened by what he has done, the lives he has taken and destroyed, but I am also full of hope, for a world that I know can be better.


Personal Note: Hurricanes. I am going to Cancun on Monday so can someone please send the strongest hurricane in recorded history to destroy my resort this weekend? Oh, what? One's already on its way? Thanks so much.


Please note that I linked to Shari's's a great read. Check it out. :)


Blogger Erica said...

You know, I was actually going to mention the trial in my post today, but did not. Your post was quite eloquent and heartfelt, by the way, and I agree with you on all points.

I watched the trial this morning as I drank my coffee, and I watched him sitting there, refusing to cooperate, not even wanting to give his name. Fox and Friends (my favorite news show) was airing it, and they were commenting on how Hussein's attorneys are going to go for the technicality that the legal system isn't valid, etc. They're going to use legal loopholes from a legal system they're not recognizing as valid.

I sat there and thought, what if - by some quirk of 'the system' - he totally gets off on a technicality? Because of course, if there IS a loophole that suits him, the new Iraqi gov't can't say "Okay, we're a democracy but just this once - in this very fair first trial ever - we're going to ignore those principles."

Because you just never know. Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place. He COULD get off on a technicality. Good luck making it one step beyond the courthouse, but still...

And in all the photos of Iraqi citizens watching his trial, I can't tell if they are smiling because "ha ha he's an idiot and not cooperating" or "ha ha you show those oppressive capitalistic bastards."

8:35 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I love Fox and Friends it every morning. Did you see when they busted NBC for the flood story with the chick in the canoe in only 4 inches of water??? Classic.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Shari said...

It is hard to believe that all this destruction isn't some sort of sign, I agree.

And thanks for the linky-poo! You're a dear! :)

10:03 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

If Saddam gets off, I don't think he'll make it too far..

BTW, the chick in the canoe on the Today show was busted on the spot by Matt Laurer. He and Katie immediately brought to attention the fact that she was in about 4 inches of water and that it was kinda ridiculous. Fox wasn't scooping anything there.

12:50 PM  

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