Thursday, October 20, 2005

Evil, Thy Name is Wilma

I can no longer look at Wilma Flintstone and think happy thoughts. Her namesake has me devastated.

BOO Wilma! BOO!


Blogger anika said...

Yeah they should name hurricanes 'Osama' or some name we already hate.

3:15 PM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Hey, the year we moved from Florida the first two storms (which became hurricanes) were Allison and Barry. I figured that was a sign. GET OUT!

3:21 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

That sounds just like how I feel about the Burger King King. Which I will not discuss because he's all freaky and stuff...

4:14 PM  
Blogger princess slea said...

that burger king guy is SCARY and totally freaks me out too

4:16 PM  
Blogger Yoda said...

Yes, but think of the SNL skit this would make:

Amy Poehler: And here, with our Weekend Update weather report, on location on the...YUCK-a-tan...peninsula, is Horatio Sanz, your Weekend Update weather man. How are things looking there, Horatio?

Horatio Sanz: (wind and rain blowing so hard he can barely stand up. His greeting is unintelligible.)

A: I'm sorry, Horatio, we can barely hear you. The weather looks really bad there. What's that all about?

H: ...sorry...winds...difficult...hurricane...

A: ANOTHER hurricane??? They must be running out of names by now. What's this one called?


A: I'm sorry, Horatio, it's very difficult to understand you, can you say that a little louder?


A: We're still not able to hear you, Horatio! What's the hurricane's name?



4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sherri - you're too funny! Thanks for the comment on my site.

Looking around here, I see a few people I know, a few places I like to haunt, and a lot of stuff I can relate to. My Alter-ego lately is "Mr. Mom", so running kids around in a Caravan is all to familiar.

Wilma? Yeah, she looks innocent enough, but I have seen people and buildings crumble when my mild-mannered wife hits a rage, so I wouldn't put it past Wilma.

5:20 PM  

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