Tuesday, September 13, 2005

See Ya, Saddam

I had a very odd dream last night and I'm not really sure what to make of it. I will relay it hear and await your analysis, dear readers.

I was sitting in a restaurant, possibly an Applebee's or a TGI Friday's. I was there with my husband, another woman and a man. I didn't realize until the man got up to leave that it was Saddam Hussein. His hair was cut in a flat top, he was wearing a Big Johnson surfer t-shirt, Levi's and sneakers.

As Saddam left I said, "See ya, Saddam."

"Shalom," he replied.

"Did he say, 'Shalom'?" I asked my husband.

The other woman at the table (still unidentified) and my husband started laughing. "Oh that Saddam," the woman replied, "He thought you said, 'See ya, Shalom', not 'See ya, Saddam', so he said 'Shalom' to you. Isn't that funny?!"

I didn't know. Is that funny? I guess Saddam Hussein wouldn't say 'Shalom' would he? Isn't that Jewish? Forgive my ignorant Christian self.

Anyway, that was the end. Just a humorous jaunt that included me having dinner at a generic American chain restaurant with one of the most notorious murderers on the planet.

So.....your diagnosis?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:20 AM  
Blogger Shari said...

Okay! I so have it!

The confusing link between Saddam and Shalom is just reinforcing the existing confusion regarding the link between Iraq and 911. For example, a Jewish person saying "Shalom" would have represented the link between AFGHANISTAN and 911.

And the restaurant? Possibly the Oil for Food Program or WMD.....

Glad I could help!

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, I was just going to guess maybe you watched the news before bed?

10:45 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Interesting dream.

I just had a post asking people to describe their strangest dreams.

This would certainly make the cut.

Ben O.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

LOL - you must have had the picture of saddam in his undies on your brain. LOL.

4:13 PM  
Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Diagnosis? Totally sane! And this comes to you from the person who dreamt she was talking to underpriviledged children and their families in the West Bank. What gives?? I don't even watch the news anymore...

3:53 AM  
Blogger Mr. Social said...

I had a dream much like the one that you describe in your post, only the waitress was Magaret Thatcher and she brought me some fish tacos and a Faygo. I ate and drank these items and then went to a lighthouse owned by Sigmund Freud.

11:58 AM  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Shalom....I love that! Maybe it's because he's not a direct link to Sept 11 and well he's trying to make peace for that?...Why haven't we heard anything about Osama lately?

2:42 PM  
Blogger princess slea said...

One time I was lovingly trying to wake up my husband by kissing him on his back and he looks over at me and angrily yells "get the fuck away from me!" I was taken aback and said "Fine, get up. It's time for work."
After his shower and when he was really awake he asked me why I woke him up by yelling at him. I told him what he had said to me and he informed me that he had been having a dream that he was naked in a forest and a deer was using him as a salt lick.
UH....should I be offended?
From that moment on, I told him to set his alarm.

4:36 PM  

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