Monday, June 06, 2005

The Wig Revolution

It’s funny how your hair can change not only your appearance but your attitude. I have always been partial to my hair. I guess some would call it vanity. Whatever.

I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with two of my friends that I spent most of the early 90’s partying with. We are all moms now, each having two children. We even look like moms. Somehow the “momness” just starts to seep out of your pores and people just know. Apparently, bouncers at bars know too…..we never get carded anymore.

So I’m hanging out with PreppyGirl and HippyChick (Yes, the same from the Search for Tommy Adams.) and HippyChick needs to run by the hotel. She wants to pick up her wig.

“What????” I ask. “You have a wig?”

“Yes I do. It’s long and blonde. I’m going to start a wig revolution” she responds.

“And I also need to change”, she adds.

So PreppyGirl and I think she’s just kidding about the wig. We go to the hotel. HippyChick changes clothes, touches up her makeup, and goes into the bathroom. A moment later she walks out looking like this.


Ohmigod! She has a wig. And as much as I want to laugh I can’t…..cause she looks hot. I want a wig too…..I’m so jealous. She went from mom to hottie in 4.2 seconds. And now she has long blonde hair.


Blogger Andy said...

I guess the stunning, flowing blonde locks compensates for that giant black stripe across her face...


2:28 AM  
Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I went from a blonde to a brunette one evening thanks to a wig, and nobody would talk to me!

BTW, I think your weather pixie has taken offence. She's packed up and gone!

5:20 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Ummm... she really did look hot.

That wig was awesome but it scared the bejesus out of her little baby boy!

Shizannon rules.

2:44 PM  
Blogger princess slea said...

viva la wigvolution!
ode to the wig:

the wig is a beautiful thing
bound to be the next "bling"
wearing long flowing locks really rocks
peace out

good to see you sherri

the princess

7:41 AM  

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