Thursday, August 04, 2005

Just Smile and Look Pretty

So I am getting ready to go on my first job interview in almost a year. I am not really nervous (sort of). I have my power suit on, I’m fully qualified for the job, and I feel good. I’m just concerned about my mouth.

Your mouth, you ask?

You see, most people have a mental filter that tells them when to shut up. Mine doesn’t work all the time. And it seems to works more sporadically in times of stress… job interviews.

I was once asked during an interview how much I made at my last job. I smiled and replied, “A lot less than you’d have to pay me to work here.”

What??!! Did I just say that? I hear the words coming out of my mouth. I knew they were inappropriate, but I was powerless to stop it.

And then there’s fidgeting.

Don’t touch your hair, Sherri. Stop squirming. Don’t cross your arms. Ugh.

I will be fine though. I’ve only had two very large cups of coffee. I’m sure they’ll understand if I interrupt the interview three times to go to the bathroom, right?

Oh well. I’m sure it will be fine.

I’ll let you know. :)


Blogger Erica said...

I am sure your interview will go fine. It's one of those things we build up to and freak out over, and then often (if we're lucky) the people turn out to be okay and we walk out hoping we get that job. This coming from someone who has not been on an interview in over four years. You never forget the feeling!

Good luck!

11:45 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

I have total faith in you! Your interview will go smashingly well! Keep us posted!

1:03 PM  
Blogger The Blogger Formally Known As Van! said...

maybe you and I should make out for a few hours...then... your mouth will be to tired for you to speak :-)

2:41 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

FYI....the interview went great. And I have another one today....go me! :)

7:37 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Definitely go you! Keep us posted!

12:20 PM  

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