Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Monday....um...Tuesday Morning Blues...

It’s Tuesday, but it feels like Monday….in every bad way that Monday is considered. It’s only 8:30am as I write this. Where can my day go from here? Really? I should go home and start over. Let’s review….

My son threw up on himself on the way to school. He wasn’t in my car. He was with my husband. But I get the angry phone call like it’s somehow my fault. It’s always my fault. I just don’t do enough….guess squeezing the kid out of my vagina doesn’t count for much anymore.

Then boss #2 yells at me when I get in. He’s asking me detailed questions about his schedule as I’m still booting up my computer after a three-day holiday weekend. Newsflash buddy….don’t have your calendar memorized even though I’m sure you imagine that’s what I do on the weekends.

And of course my computer. Ahh, yes. Your password is going to expire…please log in and change it. So I log in. Enter your old password…..password not valid. Huh? I just logged in with this password….how is it not valid?

Where are you? I know you’re up there, that little demonic presence who wants to torment me today. I see you laughing. You have won this morning…..but I will beat you. As soon as I finish this pint of ice cream…..


Blogger Carrie said...

Hey hope your day gets better!!! One time I was gone for an out of town trip and I called home. My ds was throwing up and yes he wanted me to come home! Hello, do you think for once you could handle this??? LOL

8:27 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

The only thing worse than a monday is the tuesday following a long weekend.

8:32 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Something must be in the air... Little Petey had the stomach flu Friday and Kate had it last night... in the car... on the way home (missing the fireworks) and then all through the night. Now... I feel the need to spew... ain't life grand?

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I know all about the day from hell where you're handling:

--the exploding poop from your kids' behinds;

--the poop from your boss's mouth ('I don't know why you have so much trouble completeing rearranging my travel itinerary just on this whim of mine, when you have a whole 30 minutes before my flight leaves... after all, you just wouldn't believe how busy Precious (the Mrs.) has been overhauling the dog's private powder room, and she still manages to sleep in until 9:30!');

--and the poop from your husband's brain ('honey - have you seen my butt? I have employed both hands and a flashlight, but no luck... honey?')

Friday is that much closer already...

Erica (Mopey Chick)

10:19 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

oh Erica.....thanks for the laugh! :)

10:27 AM  

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