Wednesday, October 05, 2005

If You Can't Do It Right....

Do you ever feel like everyone who worked before you was a complete and total idiot?

The reason I feel like this today is because even though I enjoy my new job, some of the things I have taken over are a total disaster. I mean a TOTAL DISASTER!!!

It’s so bad that the insurance company is calling because they say we owe them $43,000 that we don’t actually owe….and it’s all due to bad record keeping. So here I come and clean it up. Not without working through many lunches and countless headaches of course.

It seems that every new job I take, and that’s plenty thanks to the Navy, is worse than the next. Why hasn’t anyone before me put procedures in place? Why aren’t there any instructions for how to perform certain duties? Why, oh why, are people so stupid?

I know I can’t possibly be the only person this has happened to. I’m sure that there are those of you out there that start a new job and are equally as frustrated, right?

Has anyone actually started a new job and your workspace is neat and clean? There are manuals explaining your job functions and procedures to get those items done? The person you are taking over for is actually THERE for turnover and not a distant memory of the past and has been gone just long enough for the person who took over in the interim to completely screw everything up because they don’t care?

No? Me either.

It’s so sad. It seems like no one cares anymore. So I guess I’m old fashioned and actually want the things I’m responsible for to be right. And here’s a crazy thought….if I don’t know how to do it….instead of doing it wrong….I ask questions until I find out the correct way. What a concept! Who knew you could ask questions and do something right???

I asked the person who was working on this insurance fiasco before I took over, how she knew the right way to do it, and the response I got was, “Oh, I just did what I thought was right.” Guess what babe? You thought wrong. We’ll just take that $43,000 out of your check. Maybe next time you’ll figure out how to do it right.



Blogger Shari said...

Ah....The new job....

Mine was not quite so horrible, but it has had it's moments. My "training" was done by an enormously pregnant and equally uncomfortable person for the grand total of one day.

Questions are most certainly the answer.

3:56 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

ugh. i know all about it. and i can't wait to have to go thru it again in a few days.

12:41 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

I think this happens everywhere! I can't even tell you the mess I walked into here. We employ a lot of college kids in the summer and before I got here it was like a frat house. In one of our offices I found empties which I was told were provided for the staff (who were mostly minors) by my predecessor who was at least 15 years older than any of the employees. And don't get me started on the way the office ran. So why is it that I am paid LESS than this person? Because I'm an idiot and didn't hold out for more... but that's another story.

12:00 PM  

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