Thursday, April 21, 2005

Can you control your destiny with a spoon?

I was running around the house a few days ago, trying to clean what the kids quickly destroy, when I heard part of a television commercial. I think it was for some diet program.

It said, "Can you control your destiny with a spoon?"

What the F...?

Okay, so they were talking about dieting, but what really hit me was the idea of how little it takes to change our lives....the choices we make and the controls we put on ourselves. I found the thought of controlling my own personal destiny with a spoon intriguing. Of course, I don't want this post to be a diet rant because that is one topic I truly don't have the energy to, I will talk about control and happiness.

I wonder if any of you out there feel like you control your lives. At times I do not. There is so much involved in the "daily routine"....shower, get dressed, kids up, drop off at school, work, pick up kids, long commute, dinner, baths, prep for next day, bed. Okay....which part do I control? Sometimes it feels like my life is it's own entity that is quickly running out of control and I am just along for the ride. It took me awhile, but I think I know what is missing....

Living in the moment.

Sounds simple, right? I realized that through my daily routine I was always focused on the next task. What's next on the list? How much more until I can be done? I realized that I had forgotten to live in the moment. I wasn't enjoying cooking and savoring dinner...I missed out on the fun of playing with my kids while they were in the tub...I was just focused on the finish line. I guess that is a lot like life in general. We are so focused on where we want to be that we forget to enjoy where we are.

So, how does that relate to control? I guess if I can't control what is happening at least I can control my reaction to it and how I experience it. I have decided to have more control in my life by being present for each and every moment.

So here I am...this moment, typing this post. My feet are cold. Other than that, things are great. Hope your moment while reading this is great too (minus the cold feet!).

Take care and hope to hear from you soon.


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