Friday, April 15, 2005

Where'd you come up with that name?

I am sure the first question I will get from friends and family is where did you come up with the name "View From A Minivan?" I initially was going to call this "Sherri's Blog" but that was way too boring. I spent most of last night trying to think of something catchy that would really reflect who I am and my perspective on life. There it perspective was as a working mom who drives a minivan.

Now a lot of people drive minivans...and there's nothing wrong with that. But when you identify with the car you drive and you feel that it is an extension of your personality and the essence of who you are...well, that's another matter.

Let me digress...

My first vehicle was a 1976 AMC Gremlin. You know the one's with the Levi's upholstry? The seats even had the little orange tag. I was 12. I was allowed to drive the car to the bus stop that was 5 miles up a winding country road. (Yes, my parents were crazy). To me the car symbolized freedom. In hidsight it symbolized immaturity - my lack of driving skills, my emotional immaturity in thinking it was a "cool" car, and probably the fact that the car was so ugly it looked like a fetus of a car that hadn't finished growing.

By high school I moved on to a 1980 Buick Riviera. Black with a cool. Then it was the 1980 Datsun 280ZX....Black and really cool. These cars symbolized a period of growth from a child to a young adult. New experiences, driving too fast and well, taking chances.

I went through a few other phases....the truck phase, the turbo stick-shift phase and then....


1991 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0, 5-speed with a sunroof. How I loved that car. It was fast and hot. I was in college, living alone and bartending. It personified who I was (well, maybe not the fast part....ok, maybe a litte) Anyway, when I was in that car I felt confident and strong. I loved to drive it and be seen in it.

As the years went by I graduated from college, met a guy, and got engaged. The mustang turned into a VW Passat (show my maturity), then a Mazda 626 (gas conscious and frugal), a Jeep Grand Cherokee (now that we're married and expecting we need more room for the baby - self-sacrificing), then.....

I wanted a Chevy Tahoe. It was roomy, big enough for the 2nd child, expensive and got bad gas mileage. My common sense won out (along with my lacking pocketbook) and I got a Dodge Caravan. As I was driving it a week later, I noticed a young, cute guy at a stoplight looking at me. I thought "he thinks I'm hot"....then I realized....No he doesn't....I'm driving a minivan!

So now I am a 34-year-old, mother of two who drives a minivan. It symbolizes safety, security, dedication and maturity......funny, I still feel like the 12-year-old with the fetus car.


Blogger PreppyGirl said...

Hi honey,

We are too much alike (except that Nascar thing - eeewww!)

I remember a few of your cars and The 5.0 was definitely my favorite. That car could even out run scary, butch, flannel clad lesbians. Note to others... don't flip off angry lesbians unless you've got some power under the hood!

I too enjoy the minivan lifestyle, as you know, and we must think alike because we've also owned several jeeps (we're on our 3rd, a grand cherokee).

By the way... I got a fever... and the prescription is... MORE COWBELL!



2:42 PM  
Blogger SkippyMom said...

"A fetus of a car that hadn't finished growing."

I snarfed coffee out of my nose. If that is not the most hysterical thing ever written...I seriously don't know what is. Sigh....Okay, I have a weak sense of humor, but still...TOO FREAKING FUNNY!

I came over from preppy girl and althought I see you haven't posted since August I hope that you have email notification on your blog so you receive this because I am reading your archives and having the BEST time.

I have thought of several comments I wanted to leave, but was having too much fun reading - But this? I so seriously had to leave a comment. [Is that even grammatically correct? Shouldn't I have left you an email instead? whatevah!]

Thanks for the laughs and you have to start blogging again - I hope all is well - I need to read MORE!

Hugs and Happy New Year!

8:33 AM  

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